dimanche 29 mars 2009

29 mars 2009

Matinée fraiche et venteuse.
Fabrice resté au chaud pour cause de bronchite, Fred empéché (et donc excusé), Harry (absent), Dorian de retour d'une semaine de ski et Bruno dont la nouvelle monture n'a pas dû trouver la sortie du garage.... HEUREUSEMENT ERNESTO était de retour ! Un petit 43 Kms fait à l'envers du circuit habituel passant ainsi en forêt d'Ermenonville, longeant le Chateau de Loisy et Ver s/Launette. Plusieurs chutes dans des portions de grasses à impraticables, quelques poses pour admirer Cerfs et Biches, et un final en solo puisque David et Romain toujours devant on "tiré tout droit" tandis que Ernesto Jacky et Patrick assuraient la fin du parcours sur un rythme plus adapté à leur condition physique du jour...

Parlons maintenant de la saison des Raids et Randonnées qui reprend.

Dimanche prochain, le 5 avril entre 8h30 et 9h30 le VTT du Servois organise un 50 Kms qui passera par nos terrains de jeux favoris, mais pourrait également nous faire découvrir d'autres traces. Voici les coordonnées du site: http://vttduservois.free.fr/ A vos claviers pour décider de notre participation.

Le 3 mai entre Crépy (81 Kms) - Saint Pierre Aigle (45 Kms) et Villeneuve Sant Germain le sympathique Raid Picard http://www.le-raid-picard.com/ les inscriptions sont déjà ouvertes. Qui d'entre nous y participera.

Le 28 juin l'incontournable Raid Impérial de Compiègne http://raid.imperial.free.fr/ La aussi les inscriptions sont ouvertes.

Alors, intéressés ? D'autres propositions ??

Bonne semaine à tous (le beau temps revient ....) et à dimanche prochain !

dimanche 15 mars 2009

15 Mars 2009

Une sortie printanière qui malgré des effectifs réduits, nous a conduit sur 53 kms de la forêt d'Halatte jusqu'à Verneuil, en passant par Pont Sainte Maxence et les bords de l'Oise, après avoir grimpé le Mont Pagnotte.

Que dire, si ce n'est le plaisir de voir Jacky de retour parmi nous, le BH de Fabrice avec selle et potence flambant- neuves, les délicats réglages de plaquettes de frein de Patrick et enfin le parcours de Romain qui a fait la course seul en tête une grande partie des 3h47 qu'aura duré notre sortie dominicale. Enfin du SOLEIL !!!

dimanche 1 mars 2009

Single Tracks and Golf

Being on an American payroll and living in France is just about the most depressing thing in the world.  Here, it seems, everyone is always on vacation, while I am stuck with my four miserable weeks per year!  ... but there is hope, in 66 more months I will have enough seniority to get an extra week off.  Of course, now-a-days, one shouldn't complain too much about his job, but rather, be happy to have one!!

Anyhow, I got to our beloved departing spot at 9:00 just to be reminded that it is "les vacances" and that I would be on my own.  Tampis, off I go.

I figured that since I was alone I should try and do stuff that we can't do in a big group.  Today's outing would be a training session!  Usually, when we are riding, if we go by a single track I mark 
it on the GPS, so on my way to the forest I scoured the GPS for all the little waypoints.  I connected the little dots and managed to join a bunch of single tracks together to form a 2 km hell ride!  I went up and down  a couple of times to practice tricky climbs and improve my 
downhill skills.  On the climbs I tried to be really mindfull of where I was placing my center of gravity and how it affected traction, on the descents I tried to refrain from braking focused on trying to go over obstacles rather than around.  It is really amazing how quickly you can progress with a little focused training.  In the summer we should dedicate a little 1/2 hour during each outing to practicing a particular hill, jump or other.

Once I was done with my little single track bonanza I looked at the GPS and realized that I was close to "La Cedricoise" so I followed the tracks from last week.  On the way I stopped at the monument for the air disaster 
of March 3rd 1974.  I had never seen it (I didn't know it even existed).  I had seen a documentary on the catastrophy on TV, but never thought much of it.  Seeing all the names engraved on marble really made the whole thing real.  Each person had a story and a future, and it all ended there.

The two minutes spent in front of the obeslic were the only time I ever stopped for the whole ride.  The little break must have been really good for me because after that it was full speed ahead!!  I tackled the golf course keeping a 165bmp average, I felt like I was going to puke my heart out.  I started to climb the big hill between the rocks and I could see a group of bikers having "breakfast" all the way at the top. I was pouring sweat, my eyes were completely red and I must have been pretty pale too.  They watched me climb from the top of the hill and from the smirk on their face I could tell that there wasn't a single one of them that thought I would have made it up the tricky hill, but I did.  As I went past them they all got quiet and looked at me as if I was a ghost.  You could "feel" their disbelief.  A small satisfaction, but it did make me feel pretty good.

From there on it was the usual ride back home along the highway.

I don't really like to ride alone, but today was a lot of fun.  I was able to explore, improve my skills and still perform at a pretty good level.

Distance: 33km
Time: 2:05
Avg: 16.4km/hr
Ascent: 398m
